September 10, 2024

41 thoughts on “Episode Four – 9 to 5 Amish

  1. I’m loving the show! i love seeing how former amish are helping each other when things don’t go so well. it’s nice to see that the sense of connectedness came with you when each of you left. thank you for all you are doing to educate us english and minister to those who are leaving amish life behind. i’m excited for what the show will do for the former amish. i love seeing your heart, and Hoss’s too, toward these kids. i love how you’re trying to help Michaela find her place in the world too and the struggle and insight you have gone through in that.
    i wish there was something i could do to help, but live too far away to be of any use to you, but i am praying for each of the kids, you and Shana, Hoss and Peggy. keep on keeping on!
    from the frozen north,
    dana :-D

    1. Something I noticed about Hoss was that he was serving beer to these kids. do these kids have beer in the Amish community, Mose? Just a question. I am loving the show. Next week I will be traveling back to my country, So i will miss the new episode :(

      1. We might think that drinking is not a part of the culture, but Amish and alcohol can and do mix. Most famously, it’s Rumspringa-age youth, but in the decentralized Amish system, there is no across-the-board Mormon-like principle against consumption.

        So it would probably depend more on the community and custom, and of course individual preference.

        New Order Amish are completely against it. Alcohol, like tobacco and bed courtship, was one of the sticking points that caused them to split off in the 60′s. In the Old Order world it’s not so clear-cut.
        (this is from another site)

  2. I from the deep south, everyone speaks a little slower here. I can’t understand that fast talk.LOL I am looking forward to seeing more of your shows and how you and your wife are showing love to these kids.
    God Bless,
    from the scorching south,

  3. I love your show and look forward to Tuesday evening.I hope Jonas is doing well. God bless all of you . My son Jonathan was killed in a car wreck when he was 18 yrs. old and I cannot understand why anyones’ parents would reject their child. I would give my last breath for one more hour with Jon.

      1. I’m with you on that too…as a mother of two grown children I cannot ever imagine NOT being a part of their lives because of a difference in beliefs. I too have experienced loss, of my brother Rick when he was just 17 and I was 16..and as hard as my loss was for me I know it was 100 fold for my parents to lose a child. I know they feel the same as you about Jon, how sad it is that these Amish parents have these wonderful children that God has blessed them with and they are willing to toss them away and reject them because they want to live differently.

    1. I agree completely and u have my upmost sympathy. Perhaps some of the Amish parents who shun their children who have chosen to leave the Order, thought about what it would be like to actually lose a child to death, rather then leaving the Order, they would not be so quick to condemn, so insistent upon shunning the child. If they stopped for just a moment and felt the sadness and emptiness the death of their child would bring to them, they might, just might, give thanks that child was still alive, even tho he or she chose to leave the Order. Your sentence of “giving your last breath for one more hour with your son” is heart wrenching. I’m so sorry for your loss. I been in a heart beat you would accept your child (were he amish) leaving the Order versus the permenancy of leaving this world.

  4. Brother Mose, I wish I lived closer to Columbia so that I could meet you and do all I could to help you as you help the youth like you do. The tv shows are so awesome to me and I like the way you talk. You should not worry so about it because it’s perfect. NatGeo pick the exact right person to be the main person on all of these shows and you being yourself is the icing on the cake as I watch all of the episodes. Don’t you change a thing about the way you speak, please. God bless you and Machs Gut!

    Michael Craig
    Albany, Ga.

  5. I truly admire how you turned your personal, painful life experience into such a beautiful thing. When I left my home, a small farm in rural Western NY, for Air Force basic training, the toughest thing for me was leaving behind my family. And I got them back in a couple of months! Facing life alone as a teenager when you always had SOMEONE there (even if you thought you were on your own) is truly terrifying. I cannot imagine how much courage it takes to walk away from family and community, and into such a different way of life. Your aid, comfort and guidance for these young people is inspiring. You set a shining example for Christians of how to live by The Book.

  6. I am no in my 50s but as a young girl I lived in a small village in central Wisconsin. I was lucky enough to have a few close amish friends who lived close by. I was always fascinated with their customs and kindness to oneanother, but I was put off by their bias attitudes when it came to me and other english. It is very nice to be able to tune in on Tuesday evenings and see the stories of the amish and ex-amish. I really enjoy your zest for life and your conviction in helping others to follow their heart, whether it is to leave the amish or to join the amish. I am one who followed my teachings and family for many years (even enduring abuse for it) because I didn’t want to be banned by my family. Finally a few years ago I followed my heart and am much happier even though I have no contact with any of my family except for my Mother. I do see and speak with mother once every few months. I do understand how difficult it can be to choose a religious/lifestyle change that you agree with and to leave one that you do not agree with.

    I wish that I would have had someone like you or Hoss and Peg to make my change easier. I am sure that God will continue to bless you and help you in your life, as long as you continue to follow your heart.

    God and Goddess Bless You and Yours

  7. Hi Mose,
    Love the show! I just had to write to you. I think you speak to a lot of us out here though we may be from very different backgrounds.
    I am a 56 year old mom/grandmom, I also am a returnee to Torah (Orthodox) Judaism. I was raised by my Anglo father and stepmother in a Protestant denomination. My father’s family traces all the way back to the 2nd voyage of the Mayflower! My mother came from a mixed family with a Jewish background although she never practiced Judaism. But my ‘neshama’ (soul)was always restless, and searching for the ‘truth’. I even became a Jehovah’s Witness as a teenager and into my early 20’s. So this is how I can relate to your struggle. I was told by the JW’s that they were the only “Truth” and if I left I would be condemned to go to hell. So for many years I avoided religion all together. I was too afraid of joining a ‘false religion’ and being cut off from G-d forever.
    But as time went on I was too spiritually thirsty too stay away. I joined an evangelical church when I remarried. In 1996 I started searching the Jewish roots of the church. The more I learned the more I was convinced that I should be Jewish. I found Messianic Judaism, and a short while later made the leap to Orthodox or Torah Judaism.
    My family thought I lost my mind. They didn’t understand why I would do such a thing. But for the first time in my life I felt like I really truly belong. Judaism just fits and feels right for me and for my husband too. He is from a family whose maternal side being Portuguese, was once Jewish but was forced to convert to Catholicism during the Spanish Inquisitions during the 1600’s. His family also thought he was crazy too. But we are now happy where we are.
    I was watching tonight and I really think that you and the group that came and joined with you in Columbia are still Amish. You are Amish/Christians, and in your heart you will always remain so. It doesn’t matter what the mainstream Amish say about you, or what they may say to you. G-d knows your heart, just like He knows each and every one of us. When He calls you, you just know it. When you are where you belong you just know that too. It just feels right! So I think that He has a plan for you and your family, and for all the other “ex-Amish” that are out there with you. So just keep on the “derech” (Hebrew for road or path)! Keep doing what feels right. Don’t let anyone tell you that G-d has rejected you or turned His back on you, because that couldn’t be further from the truth. Keep praying to the Heavenly Father and He will keep you going, and bring you many blessings, as He already has.
    Thank you for sharing your life with us.
    Shalom u’Bracha! (Hebrew for Peace & Blessings)

  8. All of my paternal family are Amish. My father and subsequently grandfather and mother left the Amish. However the ways were always there, we could just have cars and electricity. My mother was English. I grew up in a Mennonite Church in Indiana.

    I cannot believe that our God is partial to any certain religion, we are judge by our actions and good deeds, we are to love one another. God does not turn his back on us, there I cannot understand the Amish turning their back on their children. It is definitely a form of total control.

    Keep up the good work, you are such an inspiration.

  9. Mose, just a note to say
    God Bless you and may you continue with the series!! and a book?? wow, when will it be published? by the way, you seem to talk on camera very comfortably and with sincerity, not at all too slow, and with a thoughtful manner~

  10. hi mose if there was more people like you in the world this would be a much better place.
    why dont you open a “liberal” amish church? or atleast have some kind of amish service for the kids outside dont feel so left out. Good wishes to your family and you God Bless you!

  11. Love the show! Look forward to it every week! I even have my husband (who is from South America and has never even heard of the Amish) hooked! Living in Georgia, one would never see anyone from the Amish, but my interest has always been there…I’ve even been a prayer warrior for MAPS for several years! Do Amish people witness to others? That’s one of the greatest commandments Jesus spoke of. I can see why so many young people would want to leave the Amish. I can also see why Makayla would want to escape into a world that seems simple, peaceful and almost dream-like. Sometimes I think I would like to be an Amish housewife…seems like a cake walk compared to some of my crazy days! The grass always seems greener somewhere else…sometimes it is and sometimes it’s just astro-turf. :-) I hope you make it to Georgia one day. You and your family have an open invitation anytime! God bless and best wishes with your future projects! Can’t wait to see what God has in store for you! He’s planted you where you belong and you seem to be embracing it graciously!

    1. Kelly:

      Just to let you know, there is actually a Mennonite community down in Montezuma, Georgia. While not full on Amish as those Moses talks about, they come close. Montezuma is in not far from Americus, Ga., where Andersonville is located.

      There’s an amazing Mennonite restaurant called Yoder’s down there that is owned and operated by Mennonites. The food is out of this world. It’s been a while since I was there but it’s well worth a visit.

  12. Hi Mose,I really think you are an amazing person. The way you help the kids&for that matter anyone who needs it is an inspiration. I have been watching the show since it started&I saw the specials they did on you& other ex-Amish as well. I truly admire your strength& courage&I feel that typo speak very nicely. I wish you Machs Gut with the show& with your life& family&I will be keeping you in my prayers.

  13. Mose, I love the show and I think the way you speak is just perfect. You sound peaceful and your voice actually calms me down, especially after a crazy day! God Bless you and your family, and remember we’re all God’s children; He doesn’t see any differences and our religions don’t really matter…what matters is what’s in our hearts and souls.

  14. I have always been amazed with the Amish and their way of life. The show really tells the story. Thanks so much for letting us see how they live, you really tell the inside story. I have to agree with Kate your voice is rather mellow and relaxed. I guess we as English people dont realize how good we have it with all the modern marvels and take a lot of thing for granted.

  15. Hi Mose, good stuff! keep writing and doing good by folks and I will keep watching. Had a question about the gal who wants to become Amish. As a former educator, I am assuming that her education to this point in life is much different than that of her Amish peers. She has mostly likely been taught in ways that are frowned upon by the Amish (specifically, I am thinking of topics like evolution vs. creatism). How do you feel the education she has obtained will affect her in her goals of fitting in with the Amish communities? Obviously she has seen the world through different glasses and I am curious to get your thoughts on how she can reconcile the differences she has learned in the social sciences and sciences. Best wishes!

  16. Moses I am so inspired by you and your wife’s dedication to helping the young people who are looking for a new start and a joyful life. I live in Ohio and have been to Amish country many times; however I never realized that their beliefs were so judgemental of other’s to the point of such extremes. As a born and raised Catholic/Christian my parents always encouraged me to attend service with many of my friends churches and experiece what they offered and to invite my friends of other faiths to join my family to our chuch’s service as well. My father once told me to never be afraid to learn about other faiths only to be cautious of those who use religion to condemn other faiths…those are dangerous to your mind body and soul. I pray for those who believe that we are lost simply because we weren’t born into the Amish faith. If they truly believed that wouldn’t it make sense as “good christians” that they would be trying to spead the word of their Amish Faith to the English world to “save us” instead of avoiding us? Seems very contradictory of the word and works of Jesus Christ. You are the “true” meaning and example of what it is to lead a life of Christ in your words and works with your unselfish giving to so many. Can’t wait to see what else God has in store for you! Also Please tell all of your ex-Amish friends that there are so many out here in the English world who are praying for them to have success; joy; love and happiness. I have a special place in my heart for Esther…it must have been twice as hard for her to follow her heart and leave as an Amish woman. Keep up your wonderful work. ~ Terri W.

  17. I’ve been following you since the Amish in the City days. I was so glad to see your new show and I record it to make sure I don’t miss an episode. I spent many vacations in York, Pennsylvania and had to go through Amish country to get there. I was so intrigued, but back then (1970’s) there was no reality TV and no information – short of actual books. I love the sense of community the ex-Amish are holding too. This is something sorely lacking in a lot of bigger US/English neighborhoods. I hope that after these 10 episodes are over, they you and your family/friends a permanent gig!

  18. Mose: I am enjoying following Michella and her journey with great interest and I was very touched by how Leah prayed for her before she even met her. Rachel was kind too. You really put her with a nice family to learn from last night. Yes farm work is hard, but it is paced and you can take breaks now and then. The work can be very satisfying. I loved Rachel’s store and the satisfaction she gets from running it. I used to have a coffee and tea business and I remember how great it was–24/7 work and yes I would get tired BUT I was working for myself. I was also touched by Mose Schmucker in Berks County PA and how kind he was. Those Amish seem like true accepting Christens, not as judgemental as other Amish. Thanks for the great show Mose.

  19. Thank You Mose and your Family for allowing so many to look inside your lives. God Bless you for your work with young people in their journey into life. I was raised in a similar way as you and understand the mental issues that go along with this life. But am so very glad I was raised this way and can carry alot of the precious memories and teachings along with me, makes us much more willing to help others and understand there is alot of good out in this ole english world =)

  20. Hello Mose, thank you for doing this series. My husband & I have not missed an episode. I am enamored with the Amish. I want to learn as much as I can about the Amish as I respect them. You are doing a wonderful thing Mose by helping all the Ex-Amish. The transition must be so extremely difficult for those who choose to leave. The hardest part has to be when their families turn their backs on them. You are presenting the English with the struggles that Ex-Amish face & hopefully people will be compassionate & respectful of their decision. Hopefully you will do another season. I wish you much happiness.

  21. Dear Mose,

    God be with you as you journey with Him. I have been moved by your sincerity to seek a closer relationship and one with more peace. I have been on the same journey and you are meeting good people along the way. I come from a Irish Catholic background and like the Amish it is encouraged to accept many of the church teachings without too many questions but in recent years more and more opportunities are available to learn what is the reasoning behind a belief. This seems to be what you are in the midst of. I can see that it must hurt to have disappointed your parents and the idea of an afterlife in Hell weighs on many exAmish minds. However, while you are reading the Bible, the words of Christ are about our life here on earth. Our Lord knows our hearts so well that he laid out teachings with the promise that if we do not or others do not follow them then we can ask for forgiveness. This is the main component of the life as a secular Fransican. A secular Fransican follows the guidelines of St. Francis Assisi. There are many common practices between Fransicans, Quaker, and other orders focused on peace. The important part to learn is that humans do fall short of divine ways. So there are solid ways to be in community with each other and then there the spiritual life between oneself and …..whom or what one believes. I have had a charasmatic Catholic experience and that means I have been prayed over and felt the power of resting. Few Catholics do this ancient practice of using the practice of praying for healing. Few priests feel drawn to this kind of ministry. Yet where I live in NJ we do have several opportunities a year to worship with them and to receive a blessing from him. I probably am not making sense but I wanted to share that defining one’s beliefs is part of a healthy growth. The very first Amish did the same thing. As I read about the Amish, they rejected the idea of infant baptism. Now to be an adult member of the Catholic church one must be confirmed and that process we take very seriously. Still it is done at an early age of reasoning and many leave the Catholic church and return later in life. I did the same when I needed to be closer to people who can encourage me to live a life in Christ. As I read further, I can see that among the Amish there is a diversity between different groups. Michala may find a community among those in other parts of the US that have closer doctrine to the Quakers. Here is a link to info on the different places Amish have moved to.
    The other thing to remember is that being human means that we sometimes just do not make good choices for ourselves or those we love. I am sure that if one out of four families in the English world are to some extent dysfunctional, meaning that one person has to have it their way and no other way is tolerated (this does not mean that it is moral, legal, or ethical), then some Amish families may have issues with addiction, abuse, and other self destructive behaviors. You haven’t mentioned that growing up you encountered episodes of unreasonable anger which is very respectful of your family. Most people who know what a dysfunctional home is like call it living on eggshells or not knowing from one day to the next what will erupt. It would be important to have a counselor to talk over those private times. It has done me a world of good to learn to be more articulate and to assume very little about another person.
    I look forward to upcoming episodes.

  22. As a person who divorced an emotionally abusive Pentecostal husband after fourteen years of marriage, it occurs to me that you are going through a kind of divorce from the Amish community. The parallels are striking. I am happy to say that I have been able to make positive changes in my life and in my self-confidence, and Mose I hope that you can do the same. It takes strength and support to be able to change your self-image, and with the help of your wonderful wife and support of those amazing young folks you are helping, I hope you, too will find peace. Don’t let negativity define you. You are doing wonderful work with those young people and should be so very proud. While my husband and I enjoy the television program, we do worry about you and your family as it seems that so many ‘reality shows’ take a toll on the participants. May the light of pure love surround your good works, Mose.

  23. Another Choice for Michala might be Amish Mennonites.
    Especially (as I understand from the reading) that they are do not shun and it the original Amish that broke away from the Mennonites over shunning.
    I thought it interesting that New Jersey has several churches.
    Michala should be clear that simple living, family orientation is not her only choice as those can be achieved in a variety of denominations and that she is choosing Amish because she accepts the Amish theology over Baptism, thoughts on sexual behaviors, and how to stand up for one’s beliefs. This might help to discern whether she would consider accepting being a pacifistic, not using health insurance or contributing to workman’s compensation, and what kinds of work is appropriate to derive income from.

    It seems that the show has tried to show that the Amish do not like to use banking systems. How do Amish business people gain investors? Do they ever go public and have stock?

    I completely agree that money is a major source of today’s ills and will remain so until there is a complete shift in societal structure. I happen to live in an area where many derive their income from financial enterprise. Credit card debt is a major issue for many families.

    Michala is as idealistic as one could possibly be and part of a current high school education in my opinion would be to look at the many rifts that caused wars, revolutions, financial collapses.

    When I listen to Michala she sounds like she wants to be a good wife and mother which is a wonderful quality. She has not had a good role model as of yet of a provider and that is something she could do for her self. I don’t know what Amish do if a husband dies but I assume that the wife has to run the business or farm and that will take some know how.
    Even if she explored having her own “enterprise” to have her own income so that she can make a decision free from financial dependency on anyone. I think that may have been Ester’s point that in order to be self sufficient that means less dependence on commercial stores. I think it goes much farther.
    If the Amish have not gone through school until the 10 or 12th grade they may have not had the chance to look at ancient thoughts on the “Good Life” as Aristotle and other did or the nuances of warfare such as to use the Atomic bomb in wwII. Einstein repeatedly advised not to use it and so did Eisenhower. Some of this may be able to done through GED programs and on line courses.
    How would ex Amish feel about completing a HS education? Is there a market for exAmish teachers or nurses or doctors? It seems that the Amish are drawn to service, why would they not encouraged the youth to gain skills to share with the community?

    Please don’t feel obligated to answer every question, just the idea of individuals becoming financial independent and how one might do that? It might help me as I am on the same path. It is too long of a story to share but in these times I have to start being able to put my own roof over my head and paying my own way. And please don’t suggest cut out the vacations, fancy clothes, as I have done that already. My big treats to myself are yarn to knit with, cloth to quilt with, new baking pans, or any other craft that I like to explore. I am also into environmental conservation so I buy gardening tools and take courses on computer geography to make plans.

    1. I am enjoying the show immensely, however, as a retired teacher, I am surprised at the lack of education these teens receive once they leave the Amish world. I know its important for them to drive, work, go to worship, but an education would get them farther in life. At least they should receive a HS diploma or GED. I know when I was a manager in retail, I always looked at experience and the level of education. Without at least a HS diploma or GED, their job choices could be severely limited.

      1. I believe that some really would like to but have only ever known that further education isn’t important. They are just learning that having an education is what could help them. I would assume that most of them are planning on continuing to be builders or some other hard laborer. In that case, I think a resume of experience and hard work has more effect on getting them a job than a resume of continued education. Most of them are here with nothing so I’m assuming the first objective is to find work so they can start building their lives here. In these times I’m not even convinced that having a college education will guarantee a job…you do what you can to support yourself and bring in money.

  24. Hi Moses,

    I am enjoying my little adventure to learn more about the Amish, Mennonites, and now the Church of the Brethren. Like the Quakers they are do not want to serve in combat. It would be interesting to know if Michala is attracted to a life of service to the community as the goal of Elizabethtown Collge has the same mission.
    The page on Amish points out that there are more than 24 different affiliations. From a person looking in it looks like “education on what exactly does a person do in a particular Amish church” is what is going on. In the Catholic church we also have a vast need to understand our own “catechism” and then individual churches can have traditions from ethnic backgrounds. Keep going Mose, ask of yourself what it is that can believe in and know that it does not have to be logical at all times. Belief is based on what each of us experience. When we experience the grace of God through his mercy, we are transformed. How we live that out in our own lives then becomes questions of who am I living with and how shall I relate to the outside world. I have answered my own questions regarding social security and the Amish but not the questions on health care or banking. Oh and Elizabethtown COllege even has a online course of study. From what I see of the individuals on the show, they are committed to live out what they believe to be a Christian way of life. With so many churches to choose from to be Christian, it is good to keep asking questions. You all may be very gifted with spiritual gifts. As soon as each of you become aware of those gifts, it will be easier to live life out and set aside the loss you experience from your family. One thing to remember when faced with rejection, it is not about you and what kind of person you are, it is about what kind of person they are. At the moment, your family is living out their own commitments to their faith and unfortunately it does not allow them to be with you. It is what is called irreconcilable differences. There isn’t much that can be done with about it. Your loss does remind me of those who have experienced divorce and the feelings of rejection and the lack of tolerance. Again it is a philosophical point in one’s make up to be tolerant of others opinions and when to sever relations. I have met some very ethical atheists and I tolerate their choices and they tolerate mine except that does means they do not come and enjoy time in prayer with me and others or have the same rationale for even similar behaviors. I do many things because of the teaching from the Sermon on the Mount and others find those attitudes being respectful of others and sustainable community. One of the most challenging times for myself has been to share what I do believe with my own children. In time they will again make choices as to who is their friend or even partner. Those of us who live traditional lives keep praying for our children and this is the case whether they are Christian, Catholic, Muslim, Quaker, Jewish or others I just do not know enough about to list. I think you get the point. We can care for others physically, emotionally, spiritually but they have to do their own soul work.

    1. For you upcoming episode on tourism, here is a background journal article.
      You may want to point out the Michala that the Amish face government interventions with their raising of crops and are impacted by global issues. Here is one Amish farmer sharing that the production of ethanol is affecting his lifestyle
      Here is an interesting challenge: Think like an Amish farmer living in a watershed.
      And now Amish farmers my have to pay inspectors to inspect their own farms.
      Not to mention the FDA has raided farms for selling raw milk, something the current administration does not want. My point is that the Amish are part of this US world and global economy and it is important to know what all that might mean. It does make sense that if for the last 4 years the US economy has been “down on its luck” then not all of the Amish farms and business could be doing well and some young are looking on the outside to see if the outside world can provide opportunities to make it.

  25. I wish to leave a comment regarding Michaela. I was a Muslim for 4 yrs and it was one of the hardest things I did in my lifetime. I was married briefly to a Muslim man, which was part of my motivation. Michaela needs to study and live among the Amish for at least a yr, perhaps longer. Even though I lived in a Muslim country, every one is different. Some communities are more tolerant/moderate than others. I hope she makes the right decision for her and not lose contact with her mother. That would be awful.

    1. Mose, you may have your doubts about what you do on Television, but it’s the most refreshing show I’ve seen in a long time! Stop doubting yourself!I think you see the bigger picture in the World that we all live in! Kudos to all. The reality of the judgements, the shunnings, the losses, and the sadness that comes along with it is what I was attracted to. It is the one thing that any person can attest to having dealt with at any significant moments in their life. I as an English, was raised Baptist, then Wesleyan until I was about 17. I so relate to your experiences and and the others in this show, it gives me goosebumps. Since I was 13, I sometimes visited the oldest Spiritualist community in the USA, Lily Dale. I also grew up with Amish folk surrounding my area of NY. It’s like living in a triple battleground! You’ve got extreme Amish, extreme Pentacostal, and extreme Spiritualists! At 17, no I didn’t know everything, but I did know one thing, that I did no longer follow the belief system of my parents and large family. So secretly, to not cause waves, I started my search for where I belonged with my beliefs. I am fortunate to have support in friends, friends that became family to me. A soul family you could call it. One where you find relief from the judgements you speak of. I finally last fall at 34 yrs of age, told my mother that I no longer followed their religion. My immediate family pushed their religion back at me. I stayed in myself and said with all the love, that I respect your beliefs and way of life, and I ask that you respect mine. It is still a troubling ground for me, I have avoided my Evangelical large family because of it because I feel I may be attacked or judged again. It is a constant struggle between wanting to connect and worried about being yourself. Next week I will be going to see everyone on Memorial Day, I have several family members that I have not seen in 5-8 years since our grandfather passed. It’s like traveling back in time to my childhood and every memory comes flooding back, some very welcome and some very not welcome. A black sheep amongst the white sheep. What you are doing is phenomenal, and I encourage you to continue your journey on this earth being true to you. Think about it, it’s amazing that you and the Ex-Amish men you took with you to help with the tornados, how would any of you have ever helped if you hadn’t left your Amish roots!!!!!!!! That is the ultimate blessing! My parents frequent Lancaster, PA once a year. Kinda makes me chuckle, that they could possibly fit in there amongst the Lancaster Amish. Totally into your show.. Stay blessed with your awesome kids and wife.

  26. You know, as Mose states a number of times, NONE of us English can really know what it’s like to be ex-Amish and the struggles they go thru. I can’t even imagine what it’s like. Some of my family are Mennonites in Brown County (near Holmes and Berlin). They have modern conveniences, but that part of family has only the BASICS. They use electricity, city water, inside toilet.. No tvs, cable, video games, computers or nothing. They use what it necessary just to be more productive. They feel that to have to go outside to use the bathroom is counterproductive, therefore God doesn’t frown on it. My cousin Eli who was 18 when he left home, didn’t leave because he was Mennonite, but he struggled constantly with the fact that he was gay. Where did you learn such a thing? we asked. He stated, he has always felt that way. He had no influences such as television, but always felt different about himself, because he never was interested in women. He had to leave, because no one in their church would ever accept him. He is still a child of God.. and though the Bible says in Leviticus about that, it also condemns many other things so commonplace in society, like eating shrimp, lobster.. many other taboos. I feel like Mose, because I too am gay, so I try to help my little cousin Eli make his way thru the world. I am just worried that he might meet the wrong person in this English world that will make it hard.. It’s almost like he is trying to escape persecution from his community and family who don’t understand why he wants to be different. He doesn’t want to be different, but just is. He is still a child of God in my opinion. I love the show and how Mose has taken on a “fatherly” role to be there for advise and mentoring. I just wonder how many young Amish people feel this way, and are terrified their family and community will find out. I really don’t want to hear comments condemining myself or my cousin. I have read the Book and know it’s consequences. But nothing tells me better than my own mind and my God has told me, I made you perfect, he is infalliable and has never made a mistake with anyone of us. Keep up the good work, but the only thing that concerns, i.e. with Jonas is that there really needs to be education and safety.. especially driving cars.. When you used to going as fast as a horse trots, and then getting in a car or truck that has capacityh to go over 100mph.. they have to be taught how to drive responsibly… Jonas is a very lucky young man.. It’s terrible his family has shunned him. I feel personally they will be punished by God. Jonas was a gift to them, not a workhorse to plow their fields and do all their work. This is how I contradict the Amish and their ways. I wanted to hug that little guy, because I could see the hurt in his eyes. My parents shunned me when I “came out” was banned from their lives for a long time, and they came to their senses, that I was a good, caring, hardworking person. My sexuality is that they don’t understand, but it’s all mine. It doesn’t change who I am, just as I feel, the ex-Amish will always be Amish. They are all good boys.. and girls like Esther. They are young and need all the support and love they can get.. Maybe that is why they left in the 1st place. They were being worked to death, with no reward, except exhaustion and discrimination by the people that God entrusted to love them and protect them. Danke Mose.. ich hoffe das deiner Familie hattet immer gute Gesund und glücklich sein.

  27. Dear Mose, I am hooked on the show. I think many people are drawn to the Amish because from the outside looking in it seems like such a peaceful life.
    I was a hairdresser in Ohio many years ago and used to pack my lunch and leave the loud busy salon and drive 10 minutes to Amish country. I would sit on the side of the road by a cornfield and eat my lunch and dream of such a life.
    I was also searching for the feeling of being connected and sense of family. Something that was missing from my life. Now after watching the show Out of Order I see that the Amish life does not come without a price. I am very proud of you for speaking up about your experience and also for helping young people who have the same struggles. I love the way you work through problems on the show. How you think ahead about what could come from your decisions. You have a very pleasing personality and even though you lead an English lifestyle now your Amish character comes through on the show. I think the thing that drew me to the Amish back in Ohio was the sense of peace I thought they had. I think all people want that . Peace. I hope you find peace over the situation with your mother. Im glad you have such a good wife and family of your own. I also believe that God will continue to carry you through. When I think of the Amish I think of people with such high religious standards but at the same time time they turn their backs on their own children. This makes no sense to me. When I was a hairdresser in Ohio I had a client who left the Amish life and was shunned His name was Melvin That was 30 years ago I have wondered over the years if Melvin ever went back or what happened to him. I hope your show continues for a long time so I can keep up with what is going on in your journey Best to you

  28. Hi Mose
    I was quite moved by the seen of Joplin Mo. After reading the story of the father and the Military man I am even more thankful to God for all I have. I am sure they are enjoying eternal life and are at peace. Also happy to see Jonas is recovered. In closing, I want to tell you that I don’t have a problem with your talking, as I find it very clear,descriptive and easy to understand and listen to. I just wish I could talk like that and not like someone who talks so fast its appears like I want to get it over with. I have even had people tell me to slow down. Hopefully you will inspire me to slow down. God Bless

  29. I don’t see what is wrong with the way you speak. There is nothing wrong at all. My mom and I both agree people at least will understand when you speak to them. When people talk too fast, you only hear some of it. That is our opinion anyway.

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